Monday, March 9, 2009

New York State Math Test

So yes. As you can tell from the title, I've got to take Part 1 of the New York State Standardized Mathematics Exam tomorrow. Urgh. Just kill me now. 

It's not like I'm bad in math or anything-- quite the opposite, I got a perfect score on this thing last year. It's just that the test is so boring, and I'm scared that I'll make stupid mistakes that I won't realize I've made or something, because that's really what winds up happening with me. And I also have a hard time checking my work sometimes. I mean, I JUST took the test maybe 5 SECONDS AGO- WHY THE HECK WOULD I WANT TO HAVE TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN???? This is usually my state of mind by the time I'm finished. But by then I've got maybe 20 minutes left to go, and I'll usually just start to space out, as per usual. I might end up starting to think about what's for lunch, what's happening next in this book I'm reading, how so-and-so looks so cute with his sleeves rolled up...
You get the picture. And I know this is kind of last minute, but does anyone have any idea how I can keep my mind on the test and just flippin' check my work before time's up so I know I've done all I can do???? Thank ya. 
Until then, I'll just have to try to keep my mind from wandering......... not an easy task, rest assured.
Okay, that's about it for now. Later, people!
Peace and Hufflemuffins


Nudge all the way said...

lol and WHO WAS SO CUTE?!??! i think i have an idea lol jk jk, but yeah u did make idiotic mistakes, so yeah. hehehe

CJ 512 said...

yeah, i did.
and regardless of the fact that you probably know, i'm not telling.

Nudge all the way said...

lol (points and laughs again) and yesh i do noe