Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh, Wells

So, today was kinda on-and-off. Meaning, there were good moments, and there were bad moments. 

Bad Moment Number 1: I didn't make the cheerleading squad. Whatever. *shrugs* I didn't really want to anyway, and I didn't really expect to make the cut. At least I made callbacks though, which is more than a lot of girls can say. 
Bad Moment Number 2: Our class found out today that we have a quiz/test on Monday. And we got a long review sheet that we have to do for homework.
Bad Moment Number 3: I only got a 93% on my math test. That's a lot better than most of the class, but still, for me, anything below a 96% isn't good enough. At least we get a couple extra points for test corrections.
Good Moment Number 1: Science class was waaaaaay funny. Besides the quiz/test news, it was really easy because we switched teachers for a little last week and the teacher from the other cohort is teaching us now. The kids at my table are really funny so it's pretty cool.
Good Moment Number 2: Today Chanel and I sat at another table with our friends in 702, which I haven't done in a while, and it was really fun! 
Good Moment Number 3: Maura came back from D.C. last night!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!! We missed you Maura!!!!!!! 
In the Middle Moments: I confessed something to Chanel today that I haven't told anyone else....... no, don't ask, since I'm most likely not going to tell you. This was an In the Middle Moment, as I don't have any clue which way it will go.
That's all for now, I guess. See you guys later!
Peace and Hufflemuffins


Nudge all the way said...

wow, i "appeared" in that post twice. i is feelin specishal. (special) and it's ok tho, i won't tell, and YAY only i noe. more specishalness.!!!

CJ 512 said...

lolz yeah sure, chanelly, you're "special". let's go with that........

Nudge all the way said...

i'm not??? :-(

CJ 512 said...

i never said you weren't!

So You Had A Bad Day? said...

ONLY A 93!?!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!?!? IVE ONLY GOT LIKE 4 GRADES OVER A 93 ALL YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEEZ

CJ 512 said...

you ALSO have very violent phone conversations with my foot!

So You Had A Bad Day? said...

ur point???

CJ 512 said...

when you argue with my foot, my foot usually ends up winning!!!! what does that tell you?????

So You Had A Bad Day? said...

the foot won the battle, but I will win the war

CJ 512 said...

foot says: YOU SHALL NEVER SUCCEED!!!!!!!!

So You Had A Bad Day? said...

tell foot i sed stay outta this

CJ 512 said...

foot says that you can't make him and if you try he'll shove himself up your [BEEEEEEEPcencored]

Nudge all the way said...

ur foot talks???

CJ 512 said...

of course it does. why wouldn't it?????

So You Had A Bad Day? said...

because its not supposed to

CJ 512 said...

well, it does anyway. so DEAL WITH IT.