So, today was kinda on-and-off. Meaning, there were good moments, and there were bad moments.
Bad Moment Number 1: I didn't make the cheerleading squad. Whatever. *shrugs* I didn't really want to anyway, and I didn't really expect to make the cut. At least I made callbacks though, which is more than a lot of girls can say.
Bad Moment Number 2: Our class found out today that we have a quiz/test on Monday. And we got a long review sheet that we have to do for homework.
Bad Moment Number 3: I only got a 93% on my math test. That's a lot better than most of the class, but still, for me, anything below a 96% isn't good enough. At least we get a couple extra points for test corrections.
Good Moment Number 1: Science class was waaaaaay funny. Besides the quiz/test news, it was really easy because we switched teachers for a little last week and the teacher from the other cohort is teaching us now. The kids at my table are really funny so it's pretty cool.
Good Moment Number 2: Today Chanel and I sat at another table with our friends in 702, which I haven't done in a while, and it was really fun!
Good Moment Number 3: Maura came back from D.C. last night!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!! We missed you Maura!!!!!!!
In the Middle Moments: I confessed something to Chanel today that I haven't told anyone else....... no, don't ask, since I'm most likely not going to tell you. This was an In the Middle Moment, as I don't have any clue which way it will go.
That's all for now, I guess. See you guys later!
Peace and Hufflemuffins
wow, i "appeared" in that post twice. i is feelin specishal. (special) and it's ok tho, i won't tell, and YAY only i noe. more specishalness.!!!
lolz yeah sure, chanelly, you're "special". let's go with that........
i'm not??? :-(
i never said you weren't!
ONLY A 93!?!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!?!? IVE ONLY GOT LIKE 4 GRADES OVER A 93 ALL YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEEZ
you ALSO have very violent phone conversations with my foot!
ur point???
when you argue with my foot, my foot usually ends up winning!!!! what does that tell you?????
the foot won the battle, but I will win the war
foot says: YOU SHALL NEVER SUCCEED!!!!!!!!
tell foot i sed stay outta this
foot says that you can't make him and if you try he'll shove himself up your [BEEEEEEEPcencored]
ur foot talks???
of course it does. why wouldn't it?????
because its not supposed to
well, it does anyway. so DEAL WITH IT.
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