Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summah Time!!!!!!!

OMGness it's finally summer vacation!!!!!! I have been off from school for..... FOUR whole days!!!!!! Oooooh, what now????? 

Yah, mucho stuff has been going on, peeps. (hmm, I tend to say that a lot, don't I???) 
~Firstly, I've started going to a diving class, whoo-dee-doo for me, huh????? <.< I do NOT want to go, but apparently I have no say in the matter, so..... diving it is!
~Nextly (though I don't think that's a word), I made a facebook, after muymuymuy persuasion, urging, and flat-out commanding from my buddies. ily!!!!!! 

I'm so tired, so I'm gonna leave it at this for now. Later peeps!
Peace and Hufflemuffins

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Brain Hurts..........

Wow, so much has happened over the past 4 days.................. crazy. 

~First of all, I got a 90% on my Living Environment Regents!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayness!!!!!!!!!
~Second, my softball team won the championship!!!!!! Cuz we flippin' rock like that!!!!! ANd in celebration, this is for Chanelly:
Holy, Holy, Holy Cow!
Itsa Itsa Itsa Foul!
So Moooooooooove it Over! So Moooooooooove it Over!
Holy, Holy, Holy Sheep!
Hitit Hitit Hitit Deep!
So Baaaaaaaaaaaack it Up! So Baaaaaaaaaaaaack it Up!

Yeah, that's pretty much it for now, plus some other stuff I'm too tired to post/don't think is something that I should post on the Internet. 
Peace and Hufflemuffins

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mucho Stuff

OKay, I just spent the last 20 minutes reading through Emily and Kali's blog posts, which has inspired me to update on mine. Thanks, guys. =]

~Today I have a softball game at 2:00, which is awesome cuz it's the first championship game for best 2 out of 3, but it's pretty sucky since I might not be able to go to Maddie and Hannah's party since their party thingy starts in the middle of the game. =[
~We took the Living Environment Regents on Thursday, even though, as I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before, I'm only 13, and my school is sadistic for making us 7th graders take a 9th grade regents exam. I don't know what my score is, but I'm probably gonna find out on Monday.
~School ends this Friday! Eeep!!!! I'm sooo happy cuz it's finally gonna be summer vacation, but I'm sad since I've made so many new friends over the year, plus I still <3 my old besties, and I'm gonna miss them. =[ Especially people who I don't see outside of school, like Manjekar and Jason, and meanie people who are going away to Guyana over the summer and leaving me here..... *coughcough**Chanel**coughcough* =P
~I'm finally getting into the series The Friendship Ring by Rachel Vail, which I've been meaning to do. And, I finally got to read This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen. Awesome book, dudes. ("Hate Spinnerbait." xD) Hopefully I'll be able to read more of Sarah Dessen's books sometime soon. 
~I got to go to the carnival/fair thingamathingy that my Church did last night, and I got to go with Evan, Mahreen, Nikki, Billie and Gracie, so it was mad fun =]. I had a flippin' blast last night! The fair is supposed to continue on tonight and tomorrow night, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna go, since it's supposed to rain....... 
Aaaaand...... yeah. That's it for now, I guess. OH, and also, my life has turned into a "Poorly thought out teenage soap opera". Yeah...... do NOT ask me. Or Manjekar. But yeah.....
Peace and Hufflemuffins,

P.S. Hate Spinnerbait. xD 

Friday, May 29, 2009

New Layout

Yeah, it's an awesome new layout. You're muymuymuymuyMUCHO jealous. =]

I'll fix the colors of the past posts so it doesn't seem like I'm colorblind tomorrow, since I'm really tired right now......

Later, peeps! 
---- Cj

Saturday, May 9, 2009

So Sorry

Hey, everyone. Just so ya'll know, I'm still alive here! Sorry to disappoint you, Chanel.
So yeah, Curacao was great, and Nikki and I had tons of fun. So much has happened that I haven't been able to post about, mostly because I haven't had much time to be online. At my school, we get bombed with tons of homework every night, and quizzes and tests at least once a week, PLUS projects. If you don't believe me, just ask Chanel, cuz she's in my class so she knows what I mean.

So yeah. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still around and that I'm sorry for not posting for so long. I'll try to keep up as best as I can.

Oh, before I forget again. I made an account at The link is

Sunday, April 12, 2009


OKay, I better make this quick, since it's 8:42 at night and I'm kinda pressed for time right now.

First of all, happy Spring Break everyone!!!!! Yeah, I know it's Sunday, and I'm kinda late on that one, but whatever.

Second, Happy Easter Sunday to ya'll!!!!!! Today I woke up at 4:50 in the morning because Dad and I went to the Easter Sunday dawn Mass, which was at 6:00 am. O.o Did I mention the Mass was held outside of the church??? Yeah, I froze by butt out there... I was visibly shivering for the whole Mass. And I'll probably have to go again next year. -_- Thanks, Dad. Love ya, too. 

Thirdly, Nikki and I are going to Curacao tomorrow!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Yayness to the 10th!!!!! We'll be there from Monday (tomorrow) and we'll get back Sunday morning. The only down sides are 1) I doubt I'll get on a computer at the resort (we're staying at Breezes Resort, BTW, for anyone that feels like Google-ing it) so I won't be in touch with my friends back home for a week, as I don't have a cell phone. Not to mention that I won't be able to email a certain someone for a week..... -_-
And 2) I have to get up at 5 am again tomorrow so we can all catch the 9:30 flight. (we have to be there two hours before the plane takes off, at 7:30 -_-)

Fourthly, I am now obsessed with the emoticon -_-. Can't you tell? I've used it..... *counts*.... four times in this post, including just now. xD I also now love the emote O.o Hooray for irregularly shaped eyes!!!! W00T W00T!

Fifthly, I'm addicted to the song Dirty Little Secret by the All-American Rejects. That song is awefantous! (a word I just made up on the spot. Let's hear it for made up words!!!) 

Yeah, that's it for now. Mom's calling me, so I guess it's time for me to go. 

I'll see ya'll when I get back from my fanfabsome (also made up on the spot) vacation. Goodnight!!!!! 

Peace and Hufflemuffins

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hooray for Friday!!!!!

OMG that rhymed!!! tehe.

OKay, so it's Friday night, and a whole bunch of stuff has happened today that I felt like blogging about.
Numero Uno: Today my school had a dress down day, which I was super-happy about since we haven't had one since.... I can't even remember when our last one was! Wow.

Numb-ah Two: We got our report cards today! I'm so relieved that I got a 98.71 overall average, because that means I only dropped about .18 point(s) I also beat out the two smartest kids in my class, which is an added bonus, even though I did feel a little bad about it, since they're both my friends. 

Number Eleventy-Purple-Orange: Tonight I went to a play at my dad's school with Nikki. He's an English teacher at Townsend Harris High School, and every year he directs the play there. I know I liked it, but I'm not sure if I can say the same for Nik, since I think she might've dozed off on my shoulder once or twice. (xD kidding)

So yah, that pretty much wraps it up for now. See ya later, everyone!
Peace and Hufflemuffins